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Safeguarding Children Training LEVEL 3

Build on your knowledge and experience of safeguarding children

8 hr
700 British pounds
Face to face or virtually

About this Training

Reflect on your practice in relation to safeguarding and working with other agencies, professionals and families; and develop your knowledge and skills to promote child welfare. An opportunity to explore professional dilemmas in a safe space. By the end of this session you will: ▪ Understand the roles and responsibilities of different agencies for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Be able to use your skills to work effectively with agencies, to promote and safeguard children and family members as appropriate. ▪ Understand the safeguarding protocols and procedures to be followed, including information sharing and recording. ▪ Understand multi-agency roles and responsibilities for information gathering and analysis in assessments, within government guidance. ▪ Understand in some depth the legislative and administrative framework within which children’s welfare is safeguarded and promoted. Who is it for ▪ Members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns. ▪ For example – Safeguarding Leads, Social workers, youth offending service (YOS) staff, care workers, doctors, GP, youth workers, those working in the early years sector, residential staff, midwives, school nurses, health visitors, nurses and police officers, nursery managers, school nurses, mental health staff, safeguarding professionals, those working with adults, for example, learning disability, mental health, adult learning practitioners, alcohol and drug misuse services. Length of training One full day face to face or two half day sessions virtually This training will be adapted for your geographical area and the area of your work, if applicable. An additional specialist safeguarding area / topic can be included in an existing training programme for an additional charge of £150. This will include an hour virtual meeting to discuss and agree your requirements.

Additional Information

This training will be adapted for your geographical area and the area of your work, if applicable.

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