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We all have safeguarding responsibilities – in our homes, workplaces, schools, places of worship and in every aspect of our communities.


At Greenlight, I provide safeguarding training and support to ensure everyone understands their safeguarding responsibilities in their given setting and feels confident about what to do.  I offer interactive training, to maximise the learning experience and opportunities; facilitating a safe space to reflect on their own experiences and values, to consider how these may influence their decision making and views.


I am committed to working with you, to create a world where children and families can get the help they need without shame or fear, by offering bespoke training that can be delivered in person or virtually.


By creating a robust framework, together we can act quickly and provide the best and safest solutions for the people we aim to protect.

Emma Rodriguez

I am a qualified and experienced Safeguarding Children Trainer, working with and supporting a large variety of agencies in safeguarding children in my role as Professional Adviser for a Local Safeguarding Children Partnership, including the voluntary sector, housing services, police services and health services.  I have designed and implemented training and other learning activities regarding safeguarding children and young people.

I am a qualified social worker with over ten years Social Work experience; including working as a Children and Families Safeguarding Social Worker within a statutory setting.  I worked directly with children and their families (including their wider support network), as well as working together with a variety of services / professionals, including adult mental health services, child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), School staff, substance misuse services, voluntary sector, Children’s Centres, domestic abuse support services, sexual abuse therapeutic services etc.

My other roles, professional experience and qualifications include:


  • Principal Children and Families Social Worker (PSW / PCFSW) for a local authority

  • Qualified and experienced Social Work Practice Educator; working with Social Work Students; and with Social Workers working towards their qualification to be a Social Work Practice Educator

  • Masters in Social Work

  • Completed Enabling the Learning of Others (Practice Education Professional Standards Stage 1 – PEPS1)

  • Assessing and Teaching the Adult Professional Learner (PEPS 2)

  • Implementing and Evaluating a Practice Learning Intervention (Module three MA Level Social Work CPD)

  • Developing and planning the evaluation of a Practice Learning Intervention (Module four MA Level Social Work CPD)

  • Train the Trainer course

I am registered with Social Work England, a member of the British Association of Social Work (BASW) and fully insured by BASW.

I am committed in supporting individuals and groups to understand their safeguarding responsibilities and the role their experiences and values bring to this.

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